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The FL 510 is equipped with a capacitive humidity sensor that provides long-term stable, accurate measurement results. Two analog outputs are available for the output of relative humidity and process temperature.
FL 510 Industrial Humidity Transmitters
Unit of Measure
Items FL 510 Industrial Humidity Transmitters
0699 0200
FL 510 Industrial Humidity Transmitter
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0554 2010
CS Service Software for FL 510
Web Price Quote
Description N/A The FL 510 is equipped with a capacitive humidity sensor that provides long-term stable, accurate measurement results. Two analog outputs are available for the output of relative humidity and process temperature. N/A CS service software FL 510 incl. interface cable to the PC (USB) and plug-in power supply - for configuration/parameterization of the FL 510
Approve Payments N/A Finance with Approve Payments

Relative Humidify N/A 0 to 100 % N/A
Accuracy at 0 to 90 Percent (%) Relative Humidity (RH) N/A +1.8 %rF at +74 ºF N/A
Typical Accuracy at 90 to 100 Percent (%) Relative Humidity (RH) N/A ±2 % rH at +74 ºF N/A
Temperature Range N/A 32 to 257 ºC N/A
Temperature Accuracy N/A +0,4 ºF N/A
Process Temperature N/A -4 to +257 ºF N/A
Ambient Temperature N/A -4 to +158 ºF N/A
Maximum Pressure N/A Up to 4350 psi N/A
Interfaces N/A 2 x Analogue Output 4 to 20 mA (3-Wire-Technology) Modbus RTU (RS 485) N/A
Direct Current (DC) Voltage N/A 10 to 36 V24 V N/A
Protection Class N/A IP66 N/A
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) N/A To DIN EN 61326-1 N/A
Thread Material N/A 1.4404 N/A
Material Perforated Cap N/A 1.4301 N/A
Connection N/A M12 N/A
Number of Pins N/A 8 N/A
Special Advantages N/A
  • Stable and accurate measurement results over the long term
  • High-precision measurement of relative humidity and process temperature, as well as calculation of various humidity variables such as absolute humidity [g/ m3]; moisture content [g/kg], or moisture content [ppmV/V]
  • Two freely configurable analog outputs, 4...20 mA
  • Modbus-RTU (RS 485)
  • Media-independent measurement, in non-corrosive gases
Typical Applications N/A Typical application is the measurement of residual moisture in:
  • Measurement of humidity in gas pipes or storage tanks
  • Moisture from phase change processes (evaporation)
  • Measurement of humidity in inert gas environments (e.g., nitrogen or argon)
  • Electronics production in an inert gas atmosphere
  • Laboratories with special gas requirements