All Categories > Industrial Air Compressors > High Pressure Air Compressors > Sauer Air Compressors > Air Cooled Compressors > 200 to 640 psi Compressors, Air Cooled (Breeze Series) > View Items  

200 to 640 psi Compressors, Air Cooled (Breeze Series)

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Sauer 3-stage air cooled air compressors are the trusted standard in industrial air compression. The new types of the Breeze series, are replacing the existing types Passat WP 151L - WP311L. They will include and surpass all features of these well-known and trusted products. These models are designed to have the following advantages: low temperature due to 3-stage compression, less maintenance cost due to long maintenance intervals, and less installation cost due to no cooling water system.

  Results 1 - 2 of 2 1 

Item #

Operating Pressure Range

Flow Rate

Required Power



WP221LM 200 to 640 psi 176 to 183 scfm 70 to 80 hp 3/4 Air
WP323LM 200 to 640 psi 245 to 256 scfm 114 to 130 hp 3/4 Air
  Results 1 - 2 of 2 1