Powerex - Scroll Oilless Air Compressors

Oilless Scroll Air Compressors with Enclosure
(18) Powerex® has led scroll technology since 1991 when we introduced the first completely oilless scroll air compressor. Our technology and expertise in clean, dry air systems is unmatched. Powerex® manufactures compressors, pumps, air receivers, control panels, air dryers, dew point monitors, and more, to provide a total system approach to your air compressor needs. All facilities are ISO 9001 registered so you can be assured of the highest quality. /Asset/a3326.jpg
7.5 to 10 hp Scroll Tankmount Simplex Air Compressors
(4) The Powerex® Scroll tank mounted system is designed to provide clean, dry air for industrial applications where the quality of the compressed air is critical. This package shall have V-belt drive/s, OSHA compliant belt guard/s, safety relief valve, check valve/s, pressure gauge and pressure switch/es. /Asset/STS-301.jpg