Compressed Air Gas Monitors & Instrumentation
Air leak turbulence or friction produce high frequency ultrasonic waves and are normally higher than 20 kHz. This is typically above the range of human hearing levels.
The ultrasonic waves can travel in air and are highly directional. This directional aspect allows the LOCATOR-EV to isolate the ultrasonic sound amongst other external factory sounds.
The LOCATOR-EV will prove very useful in preventive maintenance, trouble shooting, quality control and diagnostic data collection on any compressed air system. /Asset/a4043.jpg
Accurate measurement on the go. /Asset/a2935.jpg
sensor and analysis unit. /Asset/a2944.jpg
The nano PDM portable dew point monitor is a reliable and cost effective self contained system for measuring dew point or moisture content in compressed air and gases. Compact, lightweight and easy to use, this system provides accurate, stable dew point or moisture measurements where and when you need it. /Asset/a3309.jpg
The CDI 5200 clamps onto a pipe, with two flow-sensing probes projecting into the pipe through 3/16-in. drilled holes. It seals directly to the pipe; no cutting or welding is required for installation. Because each flowmeter is made and calibrated for a specific size of pipe, the digital display indicates flow directly, with no setup or adjustment.
The meter measures flow by maintaining one probe warmer than the other. It determines the mass flow rate from the amount of heat required. The flow rate, in scfm or equivalent units, is shown on a large, four-digit display; a 4-20 mA output and a pulse output permit remote display, totalizing and data collection. /Asset/a4107.jpg

Ultrasonic Air Leak Detectors
The LOCATOR-EV is light and easy to operate. The reliable and accurate detection capacity makes it a highly efficient air leak detector.Air leak turbulence or friction produce high frequency ultrasonic waves and are normally higher than 20 kHz. This is typically above the range of human hearing levels.
The ultrasonic waves can travel in air and are highly directional. This directional aspect allows the LOCATOR-EV to isolate the ultrasonic sound amongst other external factory sounds.
The LOCATOR-EV will prove very useful in preventive maintenance, trouble shooting, quality control and diagnostic data collection on any compressed air system. /Asset/a4043.jpg

METPOINT® Mobile Measurement Devices
(3) METPOINT® Mobile Solutions.Accurate measurement on the go. /Asset/a2935.jpg

METPOINT® OCV Oil Vapor Monitoring Systems
(2) METPOINT® OCV Oil Vapor Monitoring Device.sensor and analysis unit. /Asset/a2944.jpg

METPOINT® Sensor Devices
(3) METPOINT® Sensor Technologies for the measurement of all critical process parameters. /Asset/a2948.jpg
nano (PDM) Portable Dew Point Temperature Monitors
A self contained portable dew point monitor with integrated filtration and flow control.The nano PDM portable dew point monitor is a reliable and cost effective self contained system for measuring dew point or moisture content in compressed air and gases. Compact, lightweight and easy to use, this system provides accurate, stable dew point or moisture measurements where and when you need it. /Asset/a3309.jpg

CDI 5200 Flowmeters for Compressed-Air Systems
(11) Flowmeter for Compressed-air Systems - Rev. 3The CDI 5200 clamps onto a pipe, with two flow-sensing probes projecting into the pipe through 3/16-in. drilled holes. It seals directly to the pipe; no cutting or welding is required for installation. Because each flowmeter is made and calibrated for a specific size of pipe, the digital display indicates flow directly, with no setup or adjustment.
The meter measures flow by maintaining one probe warmer than the other. It determines the mass flow rate from the amount of heat required. The flow rate, in scfm or equivalent units, is shown on a large, four-digit display; a 4-20 mA output and a pulse output permit remote display, totalizing and data collection. /Asset/a4107.jpg

Enmet Carbon Monoxide & Oxygen Monitor/Alarms
(8)ENMET has a complete line of compressed airline monitoring and filtration systems for supplied breathing, respiratory air, process air, and hospital compressed airlines. There continuous in-line carbon monoxide CO monitors and three-stage respiratory airline filtration panels are designed to meet OSHA 1910.134 compressed breathing air monitoring requirements.
ENMET’s advanced compressed airline monitors for respiratory air, in-line process air, or medical air systems can simultaneously monitor up to four gases in real-time. Options include monitoring for a variety of gases. These include carbon monoxide CO, oxygen O2, carbon dioxide CO2, VOCs, trace hydrocarbons, dew point and several other hazardous gases.